About Motoca
The word Motoca is the verb in the Náhuatl (Aztec) language meaning “Being Planted” or “To Plant”.
Motoca is a pioneering System Solutions company advocating for a “Regenerative Approach to Development in Remote Communities, Island Nations and in Extractive and Resource Intensive Industries”.
Motoca identifies, brokers, facilitates and implements energy efficient, self-sustainable, zero emissions, zero tillage, and zero waste business opportunities.
The principles of the Blue Economy, the Collaboration Economy, and the Circle Economy are Motoca (being planted).
The purpose of Motoca is “To Plant”, nurture, and grow sustainable practices, strategies and policies that harm less, do no harm and regenerate our environment while contributing to job creation, clean development and to the economy.
Motoca Eco-Effective, Integrated & Holistic Regenerative System Solutions
José Luis Gutiérrez-García, Principal
Email: joseluis@motoca.ca
Phone: 1 + 604 984 43 27 ext 1 | Toll free in Canada and the U.S.: 1 (877) 580-9725 ext 1
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Motoca Eco-Effective, Integrated & Holistic Regenerative System Solutions
José Luis Gutiérrez-García
Position: Principal
Location: North Vancouver, Canada
Public Profile: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/gutierrezjoseluis
In 2011, Mr. Gutiérrez-García achieved a Master Certificate in Sustainable Supply Chain Management and a Certificate in Corporate and Environmental Sustainability from the University of San Francisco. The same year José Luis held the Chair of the Sustainability Committee for a remote gold mining operation in the Arctic where he coordinated with a seven member Committee: Logistics, Geologist, Trades Electrician, Mine Engineer, Health-Safety and Loss Prevention Specialist, Budget Controller, and Camp Manager.
José Luis successfully introduced:
- Strategic Sustainable Sourcing – Green Procurement – Green Suppliers
- Renewable cleaning and disinfecting technology to replace four chemical cleaning consumables from housekeeping operations, estimated to save $80,802 a year.
- $61,107 savings a year in cost of consumables
- $18,720 savings a year in transportation costs of consumable chemicals to site
- $975 savings a year in waste disposal costs of consumable’s plastic packaging
- Improved employee’ health and well-being by reducing their exposure to toxic chemical fumes
José Luis launched a pilot project for:
- Solar/wind mobile light-plant to replace diesel operated light plants to:
- Save fuel costs
- Save diesel usage
- Reduce CO2 emissions
José Luis was influential in furthering a proposal to the Canadian federal government for a clean energy Remote Autonomous Energy System (RAES) worth $20 million dollar funding from EcoEII on a total project cost of $112,090,000.00
José Luis designs integrated and resource-effective, regenerative plans, strategies and system solutions with project specific requirements.
Mr. Gutiérrez-García is fluent in Spanish and English, able to travel extensively. He provides the leadership, know-how, and motivation, to transform stakeholders’ and key employees’ mindset from environmental compliance to business value.
Motoca Eco-Effective, Integrated & Holistic Regenerative System Solutions
José Luis Gutiérrez-García, Principal
Email: joseluis@motoca.ca
Phone: 1 + 604 984 43 27 ext 1 | Toll free in Canada and the U.S.: 1 (877) 580-9725 ext 1
read moreRegenerative System Solutions
Energy Efficiency, Energy Self-Sufficiency, Zero Waste, Zero Emissions, Zero Tillage Opportunities:
- Mine Tailings as a Revenue Stream
Motoca Eco-Effective, Integrated & Holistic Regenerative System Solutions
José Luis Gutiérrez-García, Principal
Email: joseluis@motoca.ca
Phone: 1 + 604 984 43 27 ext 1 | Toll free in Canada and the U.S.: 1 (877) 580-9725 ext 1
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Designing regenerative solutions for mining operations, remote communities, and Island Nations
- Solution/System:
- Design
- Strategy
- Creating, developing and growing Strategic Partnerships specific to the client’s project requirements
- Strategic Sustainable Sourcing – Green/Blue Procurement and Suppliers specific to the client’s project requirements
- Budgeting
- Project:
- Planning/Time schedule
- Management/Coordination/Implementation
- Follow up/Reporting
Motoca Eco-Effective, Integrated & Holistic Regenerative System Solutions
José Luis Gutiérrez-García, Principal
Email: joseluis@motoca.ca
Phone: 1 + 604 984 43 27 ext 1 | Toll free in Canada and the U.S.: 1 (877) 580-9725 ext 1
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